I started this series for the group show « Urban Animals » in Rome with Exclusive Urban Art Gallery. It emphasize the fragility of nature and the impact we have on it as human interacting and destroying the planet we are living on.

« Wise as glass« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 100 x 100 cm.
« Urban animals » group show.

« Purring« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 92 x 73 cm.
« 10 » group show.

« Migration« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 60 x 60 cm.
« Urban animals » group show.

« Thin ice« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 60 x 60 cm.
« Urban animals » group show.