This series was introduced at my very first solo show « Human of glass » in Paris with GCA Gallery. It emphasize the dreamy world up in the sky wehre everything is possible.

« Rain« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 116 x 73 cm.
« Urban Art Fair » group show.

« Sur le fil« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 116 x 81 cm.
« Urban Art Fair » group show.

« Whale played« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 73 x 92 cm.
« Child’s Heart » solo show.

« Beacon« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 100 x 65 cm.
« Human of glass » solo show.

« Cloud« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 92 x 73 cm.
« Child’s Heart » solo show.

« Afloat« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 100 x 100 cm.
« Human of glass » solo show.

« Sky is the limit« . 2022
Acrylic ans spraypaint on canvas. 100 x 50 cm.
« Human of glass » solo show.

« Into the wind« . 2022.
Acrylic and spraypaint on canvas. 100 x 100 cm.
« Scope Art Show » group show.